The house concert we hosted in October was one that we've been looking forward to for so long. We've been listening to 3 Penny Acre for years, and were so thrilled to host them this fall.
It was a beautiful fall night, and we had a great crowd in the house. Bayard, Bryan, and Bernice are three of the nicest people we have had the pleasure of meeting through our house concert series. Their songwriting, playing, and their chemistry on stage was so captivating.
They shared so many sweet, touching, interesting, and funny stories from the stage, which is truly one of the greatest things about house concerts. The intimacy and quiet of this setting allows musicians to share so much more with the audience. I love that the artists feel like they can tell the extended versions of the stories that accompany their songs.
We really felt like we connected with these new friends of ours and were so thankful that they were able to be a part of this fall's house concert series.